What Does It Mean To Have A “Rib Out”?

In our previous post, we talked about subluxations of the spine, and how they can affect the nervous system. It is important to note that any joint in the body can, in fact, become subluxated. The ribs are no different.

If you’ve ever been told by your chiropractor that you have a “rib out”, it can be slightly alarming. You may be wondering “does that mean it is dislocated?”, “what caused this?”, or “can they put it back in?”. This post will allow you to understand a little more about what this means and what chiropractic care can do to help!

So what does it mean to have a “rib out”?

Your ribs are constantly moving, allowing you to breathe, bend and twist! They set against your vertebrae of the spine in your back, as well as your sternum in the front. They are attached by cartilage, which is what allows them to be flexible. A “rib out” is another term for a rib subluxation. It is NOT dislocated. However, it is no longer moving the way it should be. This can be caused by many things, including, but not limited to, heavy exertion, coughing, sneezing, overreaching of your arms, or even breathing dysfunction.

Because there are so many muscles and nerves around your ribs, a subluxated rib can be incredibly painful. It can cause pain and difficulty when taking deep breaths, making certain movements of the upper body, or difficulty moving your neck.

What can chiropractic care do?

If you have a rib subluxation, your chiropractor can provide a specific adjustment to the joint, improving proper motion to the area. While most rib subluxations resolve very quickly following an adjustment, some may come out of alignment again. This is typically due to the surrounding muscles being so tight from the first time, that they pull the rib out again. This could also be due to being unable to avoid the movement that caused the rib to come out in the first place (sleeping position, coughing, sneezing, etc.).

Dr.’s Jaci and Amanda are trained to find and correct subluxations of the ribs and spine. Through gentle, yet specific, adjustments, you will be able to live your life optimally!

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